Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Gwienomir Pinup

What time is it? SEMESTER BREAK TIME!! And that means it's also MOAR ART TIME!!!

So here have a pinup, this time of the cute Gwienomir who belongs to Emperorace over at FA!

Expect some more artz during the next few weeks, fellas!

Gwienomir belongs to Emperorace

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Oh the tumblr madness!

And the tumblr madness continues. 

Commissions are currently suspended due to exams being right around the corner.
I'll most probably tend to them again sometime after February 18.

'Till then, feel free to hit up my tumblr and drop an ask or two.

Moar Tumblr stuff

Here's some moar tumblr stuff. These are the last ones I did in color.